Sri Raghavendra Swami Aradhana 2024 Dates

Sri Raghavendra Swami was born as the second son of Gopikamba and Thimanna Bhatta in the year 1595. The great saint who was hailed as the incarnation of Prahalada, the great bhakta of Lord Maha Vishnu, was born in the Mrighashirsha Nakshatra at Buvanagiri which is in the present day Tamilnadu.

Born as Venkatanatha and fondly called Venkata Ramana, Sri Raghavendra Swami was the epitome of piety and bhakti. After serving the world and the lord for a lifetime, Sri Raghavendra Swami attained Jeeva Samadhi in the year 1671. It happened on the Dwitiya of Krishna Paksha of the Shravana month. The Brindavana that houses the samadhi is in the Raghavendra Mutt in Mantralayam and is visited by hundreds and thousands of devotees each year. The day of his Samadhi is celebrated as Sri Raghavendra Swamy Aradhana.

Shloka dedicated to Sri Raghavendra Swami Another important shloka of two lines is as follows:

"Poojyaaya Raaghavendraaya Satya Dharma Rathaayacha Bhajataam Kalpa Vrukshaaya Namathaam Kaamadhenave"

2024 Aradhana Dates :

August 18, Sunday – Dwajarohanam, Pradhanotsavam, Lakshmi Puja, Dhayanotsavam, Prabha Utsavam.


August 19, Monday  – Sakotsavam, Rajitha Mantapotsavam.


August 20, Tuesday  – Sri Guru Raghavendra Swamy Purvaradhana , Simha Vahana seva.


August 21, Wednesday – Madhya Aradhana, Visesha Phala Panchamrutha abhishekam, Puspha alankarana Seva, Gaja- rajatha-Swarna Rathotsavam.


August 22, Thursday- Sri Guru Raghavendra Swamy Uttara Aradhana, Maharathotsavam.


August 23, Friday  – Sri Sugnana teerthula Aradhana, Aswa Vahanaotsavam.


August 24, Saturday  – Sarva Samaropanotsavam.

In all Sri Raghavendra Temples worldwide, Aradhana will be held from  August 20 to August 22, 2024.

For Telugu Click Here


  1. Hi everyone
    I want to perform the pooja for Raghavendra Swamy.
    But my doubt is can we perform pooja and vratam for Swamy.
    Or it is only the duty of Brahmins to do pooja that normal people should not perform vratam at their house.
    Because my friend suggested me that not everyone can do vratam at their house. As when girls after mature they don't stay separately as Brahmins do, and girls roam around the house, for this reason you can't perform pooja or vratam.
    Please provide me suggestions whether can I perform pooja and vratam.
    Can I perform pooja after sprinkling turmeric water around home.
    Thanks in advance.
    Sorry for any inconvenient words.

    1. Hi, there is no such rules only brahamns to pray, every one should pray, its there bhakti and devotion, is only required. Balaji badrinath

    2. As a human being one can pray to Raghavendra swami,but eat veg

  2. Please maintain devotion - kaaya, vaacha, manas. (action, speech and thought). Maintain a satvik diet and talk as less as possible during your sadhana. You should behave as if Guru is in your house at all the time. This is most important as this leads to a disciplined way of life. Women walking around, sprinkling turmeric water etc., are preparatory exercises, not mandatory for someone who can find the presence of Guru even without them. Dhanyavada.

  3. Should we put Akshintalu ( mixture of rice and turmeric
    ( for ex: which are used for ashirwad )) to swami photo and on coconut
    while doing pooja.

    1. While doing pooja you can put Akshintalu at pooja. After the pooja is completed you can take blessings from you Elders with that (Akshintalu).

  4. Okay.
    Thanks for the reply.
    Thanks for the suggestions.
    I will feel free to ask doubts in future if needed.
    Thankyou jii.

    1. Feel free to ask your queries. If iam capable i will defnitely help you.

      Thank you.

    2. I have doubt please suggest me
      --> Are there any differences with days to start and end pooja seva for swamy
      like there are some days such as Astami, navami, Amavasya....can we do pooja
      with these days (starting and ending days) can we include these days.Can we do
      pooja before amavasya say 5 days before amavasya.
      ---> There are surya grahana and chandra graha can we perform pooja on those days.
      --> Can we wear slippers while going out ( If we have work outside or to office...etc)
      --> Should we do mouna vrata( without talking for 3 sankalapa days)
      -->During Festival time such as for example- vinayaka chaviti, dasara, ....etc,
      can we start, end, include these days pooja. Or we have to show the importance
      for those particular days only to particular day special festival pooja
      without performing pooja seva to swamy.

    3. Can we do as usual work at home and outside after performing pooja at particular
      day ( morning and evening) during sankalpa seva pooja.

  5. Can we do one day sankalpa seva for swami also (starting pooja in the morning and end by evening on same day itself and break the coconut on next day morning or evening itself).

  6. You can do it for one day.Usually it is done for a period 1,3,5 days..

    1. I have Raghavendra swami photo ( with frame) but I dont have stand attached to backside of the photo for support ( to keep middle of the house). So now can I keep any stone or thing ( backside, so photo can lean on stone) that gives support to photo not to fall. So that I can do pradhakshana around swami.

  7. Namaste, I am Aishwarya from Bangalore, Bharatanatyam Dancer and practicing from 10 years, i want to perform Bharatanatyam in Mantralayam Temple and whom to contact

  8. I'm a devotee of Raghavendra Swamy for nearly 3 decades. I also visited Mantralayam last year. When you stand in front of sannidhi, you get a feeling of peacefulness, blessfulness. Whatelse can you ask for?
