Sri Sangameswara Swamy Temple - Veerapanayani Palle

Sri Sangameswara Swamy temple is located at Veerapanayani Palle village in Kadapa district in the State of Andhra Pradesh.

Here Lord Shiva will be in linga form with 2 feet height. The linga shows twelve divisions.

From Sun rises to sun sets the sun rays fall on the Shiva lingam and Pana Vattam.

This temple is also known as Suryakshetra.

As per the predictions of Sri Veera Brahmendraswamy, if the beak touches the Triveni sangamam(chitravathi, Papagni, mogamerupavani) water if flies away it shows the end of kali yuga.

Those who worship this god can be blessed with children. South wall pakara gopuram is the dust of the place is heals skin diseases.

Taking a bath in Triveni sangamam can clean the sin of their lives.

The temple faces towards the East direction and Sangameswara is delicately carved in the Vijayanagara style. The temple also has four gopuram gateways in four directions enclosed by a rectangular courtyard. There is a parrot on the top of the Dhwajastamba. The vimana over the garbhagriha is a dwitala and crowned by a four-sided griva and sikhara. The garbhagriha enshrines a Linga set on a square panavattam.


The prakara walls and the mandapa surrounding the temple were built in 1543 AD during the region of Achyuta Devaraya (1530-1542). The epigraphs of Animela that the Sangamesvara in mentioned as “Srimatdevadi Devata Sarvabhauma Satchidananda Paripurna Saptarishis Varadundiana Animela Sangameswara (that of the first among the gods, a king among gods, completely immersed in the world of bliss and he who gave books to seven rishis. Mandapams & Pillars consist of a garbhagriha, antarala, mukhamandapa, and a maha mandapa, and all these are surrounded by a pillared corridor.

This temple was built during the 15th  Century.

Near the confluence of the Magameru with Papagni, there is a hamlet called Rajupalem in which the solar race Kshatriyas lived there. The herds of cows from Rajupalem and the same cows from nearby villages used to come daily to the Animela hills for gazing. One of the cows from the herds shed its milk on an out hill under which the Sangameswara lay buried. The owner of the cow, a resident of the Rajupalem came to know this and tried to chase the mystery by closely watching the cow. He wondered that he saw the cow shedding its milk over the out hill and hit the cow with his axe. But the axe missed its goal and hit on the tap of the Shivalinga making a deep mark which is said to be found on the present Sivalinga also. Then, he came to consciousness and repented his action. Later on, he unearthed the Shivalinga with its paramatta and built a temple, and offered daily workship. Vijayanagar dynasty kings contributed to this temple.


Best time to visit – September to February.

Temple Timings :

6.00 am to 1.00 pm

2.00 pm to 8.00 pm

How to reach the Temple :

47 km from Kadapa

40 kms from Produttur

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