Ranga Panchami
- Ranga Panchami is celebrated five days after Holi.
- It is celebrated on Panchami tithi of Phalguna Krishna Paksha as per South calendars, whereas in north India it is observed in Chaitra month Krishna Paksha Panchami tithi.
- It is mostly observed in North India
- It is a symbolic victory over raja-tama.
- The main objective of this festival is to activate Panch Tatva which makes up the Universe.
- It Invokes these basic elements to restore balance in life.
- In Maharashtra it is celebrated as Shimga (traditional palki dance)
- In Vrindavan and Mathura also the festivities take place
- It is celebrated just as Holi
- On this devotees worship Lord Krishna and Goddess Radha.
2025 Date: March 19.
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