Navagrahas Significance

Navagraha or the Nine Planets has great importance in Hinduism and Hindu rituals. Navagrahas are considered to play a major role in deciding the destiny of man.

Lord Surya – The Sun God  :

Lord Surya or the Sun God occupies the central place amongst the navagrahas facing the east. Also known as Ravi, Surya is the Lord of ‘Simha Rashi’ or Leo sign in Zodiac. Surya’s vahana is a chariot drawn by seven horses. The seven horses represent the seven colors of the white light and seven days of a week.The practice of doing Surya Namaskar is a good practice for a healthy life. 

Famous Temples :

Konark Sun Temple in Orissa and Suryanar Kovil near Kumbakonam in Tamilnadu are two famous temples of Lord Surya. Arsavalli Suryanaryana temple in Andhra Pradesh is also Famous temple for Sun God.

Lord Chandra – The Moon God :

Chandra is a lunar deity and is also known as Soma. The Moon represents the mind, feminine nature, beauty and happiness. He is believed to ride his chariot across the sky every night, pulled by ten white horses or an antelope. He is also called ‘Nishadipati’ and ‘Kshuparaka’. Lord Chandra is also one of the Gods of Fertility.Chandra is the god of Karka rashi or cancer zodiac sign. The mental stability and well being of a person largely depends on the placement of the moon in his horoscope. As Soma he presides over ‘Somavar’ or Monday.

Famous Temples :

Thingaloor Kailasanathar Temple near Thanjavur in Tamilnadu is one of the 
main Lord Chandra Temples in India.

Mangala - Planet Mars :

Mangala, also called Angaraka, is a ferocious god with four hands. He is considered to be the son of Prithvi or Bhumi. Mars is referred to as a ‘hot planet’ and protector of Dharma. He holds weapons in his two hands while the other two hands are held in abhaya and varada mudras. Mesha rashi  and Vrischika Rashi (Vrischigam) (Aries and Scorpio signs) are ruled by Mangala or planet Mars. He controls the muscular system of the body an also rules over nose, forehead and circulatory systems. His vehicle is Ram (a type of sheep) and his color is red. The day of Mangala or Mars is Tuesday.

Famous Temples : 

Pullirukkuvelur Vaitheeswaran Koil in near Sirkazhi in Tamilnadu is one of the 
famous temples of Mangala.

Mangal - The God of Mars :

Mangal (Angaraka or Kujan) is one of the Navagraha planets in Hindu Vedic astrology and represents courage, strength, power, and aggression. Mangal or Kuja is celibate and is regarded as the “God of War” and also a teacher of the Ruchaka Mahapurusha Yoga  Mangal rules over the signs Mesha (Aries) and Vrishchika (Scorpio). Lord Surya, Lord Chandra and Jupiter are the planets which are considered friendly to him. A positive influence of Angaraka (Mars) can give a person energy, strong will,independence and self-confidence. 

Famous Temples : 

Swetharanyeswarar Temple Thiruvenkadu Navagraha Sthalam - Tamilnadu

Mangal Dosha :

However, the negative influence of Mangal, known as Mangal Dosha, is believed to be harmful for marriage, resulting in distress and tension in relationship, separation and even divorce.On the other hand, the negative effects of Kuja Dosha get cancelled by itself if a Manglik person is born on Tuesday. Moreover, if two Mangliks marry, the negative effects are believed to cancel 
each other. 

Astrological remedies for Mangal Dosha :

  • Kumbh Vivah :

It is said that the negative effects for a single-manglik marriage can be resolved by performing a ceremony called Kumbh Vivah by the Manglik. It is a ceremony where the Manglik marries a banana tree,a peepal tree, or a silver or golden idol of Lord Vishnu.

  • Position of Mangal (Mars planet) in Horoscope :

Astrologers say that if the first house is Aries or Mesha and Mars is in Aries, the Kuja Dosha is not effective, as Aries is the Own House of Mars.

  • Fasting to appease Mangal :

Observing fast on Tuesdays is one of the remedies to appease Mangal. Toor Dhal (split pigeon pea) is the grain related to Mars and persons who observe fast on Tuesdays can consume it.

  • Chanting Navagraha Mantras :

Apart from reciting the mantras of Mangal, people can perform particular rituals and poojas to appease the elements in their chart. Chanting Navagraha Stotra is also considered an efficient 
astrological remedy for Manglik. 
  • Visiting Navagraha Temples and performing Poojas :

The most popular temples of Navagrahas are the Navagraha Temples in Tamil Nadu near the town of Kumbakonam. Another set of Navagraha Temples are in Guwahati, Assam. Of the nine Navagraha temples in Tamilnadu, the Vaitheeswaran Koil or Pullirukkuvelur Temple near Sirkazhi is associated to Angakara (Mangal). To reduce the ill effects of Mangal or Kuja, one can also pray to Lord Muruga or Goddess Durga. 

  • Offerings :
Offerings to the charity on Tuesdays are also a good remedy to get rid of Kuja Dosha.

Brihaspathi – Planet Jupiter :

Brihaspati also known as Brahmanaspati is the guru of Devas and is praised in many hymns of Rig Veda. Brihaspati is described of yellow or golden color and holding a stick, a lotus and his beads. Jupiter symbolizes knowledge, love and spirituality. The planet rules the thighs, flesh, kidney, liver, fat and arterial system. The day of Jupiter is Thursday and gemstone is Sapphire. Dhanu Rashi and Meena Rashi are ruled by Brihaspati or planet Jupiter.

According to Shiva Purana, Brihaspati is the son of Rishi Angirasa and Surupa. The consort of Lord Guru has 3 wives – Tara, Shuba and Mamata. Brihaspati performed penance on the banks of Prabhas Tirtha to appease Lord Shiva. Shivdev pleased in his penance gave him the position of Devaguru.

Famous Temples :  Alangudi Abathsahayeswarar Temple near Kumbakonam in Tamil Nadu.

In Hindu tradition, worshipping Brihaspati results in curing the diseases related to stomach. His beneficial aspects are reputation, wealth and children. 

Shukra - Planet Venus :

Lord Shukra or Planet Venus is the teacher of the demons and the author of Sukraniti. Sukra is of whit complexion, middle aged and is generally shown with four hands riding upon a golden or silver chariot drawn by eight horses. He holds a stick, beads and a lotus and sometimes a bow and arrow. Shukra Dasha actually remains for twenty years in a person’s horoscope and this planet is believed to give more wealth, fortune and luxury living, if positioned well in one’s horoscope. Venus symbolizes love and passion. The day of Venus is Friday and gemstone is diamond. Vrishaba Rashi  and Tula Rashi  are ruled by Lord Shukra or planet Venus.

Famous Temples : Kanjanoor Agneeswarar Temple near Kumbakonam in Tamilnadu is 
one famous Lord Shukra Temples in India.

Shani - Planet Saturn  :

Lord Shani is regarded as a troublesome god and is capable of breaking fortunes by his influence and position in the planetary system. Lord Sani is generally shown with four hands riding upon a chariot or a buffalo or a vulture. Shani is seen holding a sword, arrows and two daggers. Saturn is often referred to as ‘dark planet' and symbolizes longevity, misery and grief. The day of Saturn is Saturday and gemstone is Blue Sapphire. Kumbha rashi and Makara rashi in zodiac signs are ruled by Lord Shani or planet Saturn. 

Shani is also known as Chayyaputra as he is the son of Lord Surya, the Sun God and his wife Chhaya.Yama, the God of death is his elder brother. A person’s life is rewarded or punished appropriately during his lifetime according to his present and past deeds.

Shani is dark in color, wearing black clothes, holding a sword, arrows and two daggers and mounted on a vulture. Vulture is Shani’s vahana.

Positive impact :

Lord Saneeshwara is more known for his blessings that his ill effects. A favorably placed Shani in the horoscope of a person stands for a strong career, healthy life and prosperity. Shani can also award one with leadership qualities along with fame and recognition among the masses.

Negative impact :

Shani if unfavorably placed in a person’s horoscope is known as Shani Dosha and it denotes trouble in all ways. Shani is feared by those Hindus who believe in astrology as the effects of Shani being unfavorable can be very severe. Shani brings about the bad effects of one’s deed or karma and the diseases which Shani curses at physical level are poor blood supply, asthma, impotency, and tuberculosis (TB), and at mental level are narrow mind, low esteem among others and so on. Shani tests person’s patience and frustrations and delays.

Remedies for Shani Dosha :

·       Shani Dosha Parihara is the remedies of Shani Dosham in the horoscope of a person. . Shani Dasha is inevitable in every one’s life and the only way to reduce the ill effects of Lord Shani is to perform poojas and prayers as Shani dosha pariharas.

·        Fasting is a form of Yagya. One can take a light fast on Saturday (the day of Lord Shani Deva) with only broth and sesame seeds. 

·        Praying to Lord Hanuman will lead to freedom from an adverse Shani effects.Recite ‘Hanuman Chalisa’ on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday with a ghee lamp in front of his idol.

·        Chanting short Shani mantra for 108 times every day or at least every Saturday. 

·        “Om Sham Shaneeswaraya Namaha”

·        Visiting Navagraha temple and doing Shani pooja on Saturday is also one of the remedial measures.

·        If Shani dasha effect is very severe then to protect you from the fear of untimely accidents or diseases recite Mrityunjaya Mantra at least once before starting your day.

·        Chanting of ‘Navagraha Stothram’ is also good to ward off adverse effects of grahas which are not in favorable position in the horoscope.

·        Visiting Lord Ayyappa Temples and performing Neeranjanam on Saturdays is also considered as one of the remedial measures of Shanidosha. 

·        Prayer to Lord Shiva whole heartedly can protect you from Shani dosha. 

·        Donating black cloth, gingely oil, blanket, iron articles, black cow, buffalo, black gram to poor people or at the temple and also providing ‘Annadhanam’ (free food) on Saturday to orphanages or beggars.

Famous Temples :                 

  Shani Shingnapur Temple in Maharashtra and Thirunallar Darbaranyeswarar Temple in Tamilnadu are two famous Lord Shani Temples in India.

Rahu :

Lord Rahu is described as the head of a demonic snake that swallows the sun and moon, causing eclipses. Rahu is a shadowy planet and do not have any special day dedicated to him. He is depicted in art as a dragon with no body riding on a chariot drawn by eight black horses. When Rahu is affected one faces several miseries and obstacles in the way of success.

Famous Temples :

Tirunageswaram Naganathaswamy Temple near Kumbakonam in Tamilnadu is one of the famous Lord Rahu temples in India.

Kethu :

Kethu (Dhuma Ketu) means comet. It is also a shadowy planet and is depicted as the tail of a demon snake. In the images he is usually shown with a poke marked body, riding upon a vulture and holding a mace. Lord Kethu is the representation of karmic 
collections both good and bad, spirituality and supernatural influences.

Famous Temples :

Kethu Naganathaswamy Temple in Nagapattinam District of Tamilnadu is a famous Lord Kethu temple in India.

Rahu And Kethu Poojas are Performed in Sri Kalahasti Temple, Andhra Pradesh. Daily Thousands of People perform this pooja here. One of the famous temple in India to perform Rahu And Kethu Pooja.

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