Srirangamistheforemost Divya Desam which is considered the resting place for Lord Vishnu.
Alwars have sung the praise of Lord Ranganatha elegantly.
It is Swayam Vyaktha
Kshetra (Self-Manifested).
Here Lord reclines on a huge Adi Sesha (Serpent). The
idol was first given by Lord Vishnu to Lord Brahma, then to the Ikshvaku dynasty,
and finally to Vibheeshana by Lord Rama himself.
wished to reside on the banks of River Kaveri and Kollidam.
Ekanta Seva is unique in Srirangam,especiallyduringIraPathuSeva.
AdiSankaracharya visited this temple. Many hymns highlight the beauty of the
Sri Rangam temple.
Thegreeneryinthistempleisconsideredtobeequivalentto Sri Vaikuntam which
made Lord rest happily in this place.
Many songsquestiontheLordwhyheisreclining;isitbecausehewalked withSitaDeviin the forestorhehaddancedonsnakeKaliya or walked to get three steps of
land from Mahabali
The beauty of theLordistothefullestwhentheLordisinrecliningpostureasseen in SriRangam.
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