How to obtain the grace of Goddess Lakshmi?
Those devotees who want to get the graceof the goddess of wealth shouldhave a pleasant and serene atmosphere in the house.
Decoration of the place of worship and the place near the threshold with cow dung and flowerswill invoke GoddessLakshmi.
She will shower her choicest blessings on those who recite Srisukta or Kanaka Dhara stotra daily with devotion.There are numerous stotras to placate Goddess Lakshmi.
To obtain the grace of the goddess of wealth one should bathe and wear clean robes.
The devoteeshould sit facingnorth while doingworship of Goddess Lakshmi.
In tantra Goddess, Lakshmi is called kamalatmika. She is one of the powerful ten wisdom Goddesses.
While doing Japa or recital of kamalatmika mantra one should wear red robes or white robes. One should have an energized portraitof Gajalakshmi.
After Japa, one should do the havan with pure ghee because fire is consideredas the medium to send our request to the deity of prosperity.
Gomatichakras are also considered replicas of the goddess of wealth. These are also available in the ocean. One should get the chakra mantra energized by any guru or priest.
Worship of Lord Kubera will also give the graceof Goddess Lakshmi. It is described in the Puranas that great treasures namely shankha and Padma are under the control of Kubera.
The bilva tree is also considered a symbolof Goddess Lakshmi. Legend says that Goddess Lakshmi was born out of a bilva tree.
Doing homa with bilva fruits will bring prosperity to the devotees. Whiledoing homa, srisuktamantras should be recited.
In srisukta Lord, Agnideva is described as the medium between the Goddess and the devotees. Homa with lotus seeds will also bring prosperity.
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