Benefits of Navratri Fasting

Navratri is celebrated for nine days. It is one of the most celebrated festivals in hindu communities. One of the main thing during this days are fasting.

Fasting is an old age tradition. By observing fast person can gain several benefits.

There are two types of fasting observed 1. Complete fasting  2. Partial fasting

By eating Sattvic food during these one can completely focus on devotional activites.

By observing fast it strengthen the body from various diseases.

By eating fruits helps to remove free radicals from the body.

Turmeric, Coriander and other masala items must be avoided during these days.

By meditating and offering prayer to goddess it will help to clam your senses.


Food items must be avoided.

Garlic, Onion, meat, eggs, species and Masala items Mustard, Clove are to be avoided.

Consumption of alcohol and tobacco is strictly prohibited.

Food items to be included

Milk, Yoghurt, dry fruits, fruits and Vegetables must be included

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