Sri Ugra (ferocious) Srinivasa Moorthy isalsoknownasVenkatattuRaivar,SnapanaBeram,SnapanaMoorthy,andAchyutaBeram.
ToSnapanaBeram(BathImage)dailyAbhishekams are not offered.
idols - SrinivasaMoorthy,Sri Devi, and Bhoo Devi - aremadeofPanchaloha.
In the oldendays,itisbelievedweretakeninprocessionduringfestivaldays.
were taken in procession it is said some astonishingthings,withunexpectedconsequences hadhappened.Fromthatday(1330A.D)onwards theseidols arenot takeninprocessiononfestivaldays.
for Ugra Srinivasa Moorthy.
Even on thesetwodaysinthesmallhoursofthedayi.e.,somehoursbefore sunrise around 2.30 or 3 a.m., the darbar isarranged.
Itissaidthattheidolsbecomemoreferociouswhen the sun’s rays touch them. This
continues even tothisday.
On Dwadasa Aradhana night at
about 10 O'clock,the idols of Ugra Srinivasa Moorthy along with HistwoConsortsSriDeviandBhooDeviwillbebroughtfrom the Sanctum Sanctorum and will be
placed inGhantaMandapam.
Afterplacingthemwheretheyaregiven a holybathandofferings.AftercompletingalltheseritualstheidolswillbetakenbacktoAnandaNilayam.
On Kaisika Dwadasi Day (Karthika Dwadasi) afterSuprabhatam and
Thomala Seva, the Ugra SrinivasaMoorthy’s
idol along with the idols of Sri Devi andBhoo
Devi will have Abhishekam and will be adornedwith a new set of silk robes, ornaments, and garlands.
Sri Ugra Srinivasa Moorthy will be taken in aprocessionbefittinganemperor.Thisprocessionwillbetakenouton the MahaPradakshanamroute.Archakaswill take care to
complete the procession and otherconnectedritualsby3a.m.
Aftertheprocession,the idols will be brought to Ranga
Mandapam. Here SriUgraSrinivasaMoorthyarrivesridingonSarvaBhoopala Vahanam.
After traditional poojas and Harati,theidolswillbetakenbacktoAnandaNilaya.
ThisduplicateimageofSriUgraSrinivasaMoorthyis made of panchalohas. This 20 inches long idol standsonalotusseatof6inches in height.
Similarlyonthetwosides of
Sri Ugra Srinivasa Moorthy on a 5 inches highlotus seat18incheslongSriDeviandBhooDevistand.
These idols are considered to
be the oldest idols amongtheidolsthataretakenoutinprocession.
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