Bhadrapada Masam 2024 Dates

Bhadrapada Month is the sixth month on the Hindu Traditional Calendar. Bhadrapada month is not good for Marriages, Gruhapavesams, is considered as shunya masam. This is also the Second month of the Rainy Season, many rituals and festivals are celebrated to overcome the ill effects of the rainy season.

Bhadrapada month in North India begins on  August 20 and ends on  September 18. 

Festivals :

Krishna Janmashtami, Aja Ekadashi, Hartalika Teej, Ganesh Chaturthi, Rishi Panchami, Radha Ashtami, and Parsva Ekadashi are the major festivals during this month.

Bhadrapada Masam in South India starts on September 04 and ends on October 02.

Festivals :

Hartalika Teej, Ganesh Chaturthi, Rishi Panchami, Radha Ashtami, Parsva Ekadashi, Pitrupaksha Starts, Indira Ekadashi, and Sarvapitru Amavasya are the auspicious events during the Bhadrapada Masam.

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