Sri Koluvu Srinivasa Murthy - Tirumala
Sri KoluvuSrinivasa Moorthy is also known as Lekhana Srinivasa Moorthy,Darbar Srinivasa Moorthy, Alagippiranar, Bali Beram, Aniruddha Beram.
He is majestically sittingon a golden throne.
It is said to be a duplicate idol of Chief Idol.
The height of this panchalohaidol is only two feet. It is believed to be an idol belonging to 826 A.D.
Every morning after Thomala Seva, Sri Koluvu Srinivasa Moorthy’s idol will be placed on a golden throne kept in the Snapana Mandapam.
After offering Arghya, Padya, Achamanadi Services, Harati will be performed. The Harati will be followed by the Panchanga Sravanam i.e., the year, the Ayana, the Ritu, the month, the paksha, the thithi, and the vara of the day will be announced.
Then the treasury officerafter offering his salutations to God will givedetails about the previous day’s collection in the hundi, and the total amountreceived through the sale of Argitha Seva tickets. Amount received through the sales of prasadams etc.
In this darbar or the courtof the Lord, names of those donors who have donated money for NityannadanaPathakam - the scheme of feeding the devotees daily- are announced.
God listensto those names.After this procedure, the Archaka receivesMatra Danam (16 kilos of rice) on behalf of Koluvu Srinivasaseated on a golden thrown. Expressing their gratitude the Archakas say: ‘Nitya Aishvaryobhava’ i.e., May your wealth increase daily by leaps and bounds.This will be followed by an offering that is made of roasted gingly powder mixedwith jaggery to Koluvu Srinivasa Moorthy. In the end, Haratiis performed.
If it is before sunrise the court will sit within the SnapanaMandapam and if it is after sunrise it will sit in Ghanta Mandapam which is in frontof the Golden door.
Though this Koluvu Srinivasa Moorthy has the name of ‘Bali Beram’ (Image) when the ‘Bali Annam’ is placedin all 8 directions of the templeafter the Naivedyam in the Ananda Nilayam, this image is not taken out. He never comes out of GhantaMandapam.
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