Bijethua Mahavir Mandir – Sultanpur
Bijethua Mahavir Mandir is situated in Sultanpur district of Uttar Pradesh
main deity is lord Hanuman and he is Swayambhu here. One foot of the statue is
sunk in the ground, due to this idol looks like little sloping.
The priests began digging to straighten the statue
after the archaeological department analysed its age. The other end of the
statue, however, was not discovered despite more than 100 feet of digging.
This temple holds the record of having the most
bells of any temple.
The Ramayana mentions the temple, where Lord
Hanuman defeated Kaalnemi here.
This temple was built in north Indian style of
There is also a lake Makari Kund, where Hanuman ji
had a bath before the slaughter of Kaalnemi.
This place is mentioned in the
Ramayana that when Laxman ji got hit in the ongoing war between Rama and Ravana
and he became unconscious, Hanuman went towards the Himalayas to bring
Sanjeevani Booti at the behest of Vaidyaraj Sushen. In order to get Hanuman ji
unsuccessful in bringing Sanjeevani booti, Ravana sent one of his elusive demon
Kalnami to kill Hanuman ji on the way. Kalanemi was elusive and started to
chant Rama-Rama on the way, disguised as a monk. The tired Hanuman stopped
listening to the tune of Ram-Ram. According to the Ramayana, Kalnami disguised
as a monk, requested Hanuman to stay in his ashram and rest. Hanuman ji came in
his talk and went to his ashram. He urged Hanuman ji to take bath first and
after that food should be arranged. Hanuman ji went for a bath to the pond
where Kalnami attacked Hanuman ji as a crocodile. It is mentioned in the
Puranas that at this place Hanuman Ji killed the Kala Nemi monster.
5.00 am to 10.00 pm
How to reach the Temple
60 km from Faizabad
103 km from Allahabad
135 km from Lucknow
162 km from Varanasi
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