Akshaya Tritiya
Akshaya Tritiya falls during Shukla Paksha Tritiya in the month of Vaishaka.
Akshaya in Sanskrit means anything that is endless
On this day people start new work or business
Devotees observe holy baths in rivers
Donate to the needy is very auspicious
According to Hindu mythology, Treta Yuga began on this day.
On this Parasurama Jayanti is also observed as, the sixth avatar of Lord Vishnu.
It is auspicious to buy gold or silver items as it is believed that buying precious metals brings prosperity and good luck
It is also the day of remembering ancestors
If Akshaya Tritiya falls on Monday(Rohini) then it is more auspicious.
Lord Ganesha and Ved Vyasa started writing the epic Mahabharata on this day
Lord Krishna bestowed wealth and grains to his poor friend Sudama on this day
Lord Krishna presented the Akshaya Patra on this day to Pandavas while in their exile.
River Ganges descended from the heaven on earth
On this day Kubera worshipped Goddess Lakshmi and thus was assigned the joy of being the treasurer of Gods.
Yamunotri and Gangotri temples are opened on this day for darshan.
The construction of chariots for the Ratha yatra of Jagannath temple also commences on this day at Puri.
The Nijaroopa darshan of Lord Simhachala Narasimha Swamy happens on this day.
2024 Date: May 10.
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