Sri Subramanya swamy temple timings - Mopidevi

Mopidevi Sri Subrahmanya swamy temple is the most famous temple in Andhrapradesh among all other subrahmanya swamy temples.Sri Subrahmanya swamy temple is located on the bank of Krishna river.Sri Subrahmanya swamy is the preciding diety in this temple as Swayambhu Shivalinga under the coverage of  Aadishesha with 5 heads.

Temple Timings :

05.30 am to 01.00 pm
04.00 pm to 08.00 pm.

Evening 06.30 pm – Panchaharatulu

How to reach the Temple :

65kms from Vijayawada

13kms from Repalle Railway Station

7kms from Avanigadda.

Near by Temples :

Hamsaladeevi Sri Venugopala Swamy Temple  - 28km.

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