Importance of Dakshinayana
- Dakshinayana starts the day when sun enters Karkata Rasi. It is for six months.
- Dakshina means South and Ayana means Journey.
- Usually dakshinayana will starts from mid-July i.e (16/17) and ends on the 14th or 15th of January.
- It is nighttime for Devatas.
- Lord Vishnu enters into yoga nidra during Ashada Suddha Ekadasi and wakes up on Karthika Suddha Ekadasi.
- During these four months Sadhus observe chaturmasya Deeksha.
- It is a period in India where the monsoon enters and many of the states receive huge rainfall.
- Even though many diseases will spread during this season, to overcome this many vrats are performed during this time.
- Major Festivals like Dasara, Deepavali, Ganesh Chaturthi, and others will be celebrated during Dakshinayana.
- Mahalaya Paksha is observed during this dakshinayana. It is the best time to perform Pitru Tharpanas
- It is the most auspicious time to focus on devotional activities.
- When the sun enters into karkata rasi, the time is considered most auspicious for Danas, Thapas, and Japas.
Things to do
- Must meditate Regularly
- Bathing before sunrise is considered auspicious
- People eat only Satwik food
- Donate clothes, food, and other danas
- Read Vishnu Sahasranama and other holy books
- Perform Vishnu Puja
- Do Pitru tharpanas
- Praying for Sun god will reduce your Sins.
2024 Date: Starts on July 17.
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