Things That Have To Learn From Bhagawad Geetha.

As per the Hindu beliefs, Lord Krishna has been the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, and his preachings are nothing but the preaching of the God himself.  


Happenings are inevitable and unavoidable. You must believe that whatever happens, it happens for the betterment of human beings. You have no right to interfere in them and stop them. 

Work Without Thinking About The Result

Bhagawad Geetha only allows you to work without thinking about the result. You have no claim on the fruit of the work. 

Soul Is Immortal

Soul is immortal and it can never be destroyed. It only changes the body after a person dies. It can neither get wet nor it can be burnt with fire. 

Stop Thinking About Amassing Property

This is one of the most important things that you have to learn from the Bhagawad Geetha. You have been born empty-handed and you will leave the world in the same state. You cannot carry any worldly possessions with you after you die. 

Give Up Greed, Lust and Anger

Greed, lust and anger are venoms that destroy human nature and character. The Geetha does not allow you to suffer from these three evils for a peaceful life that would bring you glory in its trail. 

Get Rid Of Doubts

This is one of the most important things that you have to learn from the Bhagawad Geetha. You cannot think about getting peace of mind if you cannot give up on your doubts. 

Each Person Is One’s Own Best Friend Or Enemy

Every person draws his inspiration from within, as he is the best friend or enemy of oneself. He is largely affected by his own thoughts and ideas and hence works accordingly. 

As You Sow, So You Reap

Your work is suitably judged by the Lord. You will get punishment or reward for your work after your death. The judgment is carried out only after the death, and that determines the last position of the deceased person.

Value Your People

To get respect from someone else, you would need to respect them first. You cannot think about getting respect from a person whom you do not respect. 

Accept What The Life Offers You

You cannot select the riches or troubles of life. You would be required to accept whatever life offers to you. These things are closely related to the result of your previous work. 

Progress And Development Are The Rules Of Life

Staying stagnant to a place is not the goal of humans. They must act to progress and develop by their work. God determines the path on the basis of the work of the people.

World Is Perishable

The world and creation are perishable in nature and, therefore, both may come to an end one day or the other. You cannot stop them from meeting their end on the destined day or date. 

Dedicate Your Action And Deeds To Krishna

Since Lord Krishna is the keeper of the world and creation, you just need to dedicate all your deeds and actions to Him. Let Him decide the success and failure of your life. 

Lord Krishna Is The Supreme Power

The world is the creation of Lord Krishna and everything happens on His will power. Being a human being, you have no right to think about anything beyond that. 

Don’t Become The Slaves Of Money And Desire:

Becoming a slave or a puppet in the hand of money and desire can bring a certain downfall to your nature and character. This can result in an utter failure indeed. 

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