Return of Rathayatra from Gundicha Temple

  • After a stay of seven days at Gundicha Temple, the three Deities start coming back to Sri Mandira, the main temple of Sri Jagannatha. 
  • The three Deities through three routes reach Sri Mandira having traveled for three days. On their way back they stay for some time at the temple of Mausi Ma Temple. 
  • Finally, they reach Sri Mandira on Ashadha Sukla   Ekadashi. 
  • This Journey is known as the Return Ratha Yatra.

The Result of seeing the three Deities on the Chariot is, All the devotees who ever participate in this event of Rathayatra will be freed from all the troubles. At the end of their lives, they attain Vishnu Sayujya. 

Hence the popular saying came into existence: Rathastham Keshavam dRuShtva Punarjanma na vidyate”. Those who see Keshava on the chariot on this Occassion will get Moksha.

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