Sri Azhagiya Singar Perumal Temple – Kanchipuram


Sri Azhagiya Singar Perumal Temple is located in Kanchipuram of Tamilnadu state

Sri Alagiya Singar Perumal is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu

Sri Amuthavalli is the consort of Lord Vishnu.

The presiding deity, Narasimhar (also called Mukunda Nayaka), is depicted in a seated posture facing West.

The temple is located close to the Tiruththanka temple in Vishnu Kanchipuram.

The temple has three shrines, one each for the presiding deity Aḻagiya Singar, one for his consort Amruthavalli and other for Garuda

It is one of the 108 divyadesam of Lord Vishnu

This is the smallest divyadesam temple in Kanchipuram

This temple was built in Dravidian style of architecture

This temple has a three-tier Rajagopouram and was constructed during 8th century

Sri Krishnashtami is the festival celebrated in the temple

According to the temple's regional legend, once, there was an argument between Saraswati, the consort of Brahma and Lakshmi on superiority. They went to Indra, the king of the celestial deities. Indra judged Lakshmi as superior. Not satisfied with his argument, Saraswati went to her husband, Brahma. He also chose Lakshmi to be the superior one. Saraswati was unhappy with the decision and decided to stay away from Brahma. Brahma did a severe penance praying to Vishnu and did an ashvamedha yajna. Saraswati was still angry that the yajna, which usually is done along with consorts was done alone by Brahma. She tried to disrupt the penance in various ways, but Vishnu interfered in all her attempts. After all the demons were killed by Vishnu, who were sent by Saraswati to destroy the yajna (penance) done by Brahma, she sent Kapalika, a demon. Vishnu took the form of Narhari to kill the demon.

Velukkai where Vel means Wish and irukkai means stay.

The Vimanam(the tower above the Sanctum Sanctorum) of Sri Azhagiya Singa Perumal temple is called as Kanaka Vimanam.

The Mangalasasanam hymns of saints Peyazhwar and Tirumangai Azhwar praised the temple.

Devotees pray here for relief from various problems they experience in life.

Vaikunta Ekadasi is the most celebrated festival here.


7.00 am to 11.30 am

4.30 pm to 7.30 pm

How to reach the Temple

2 km from Kanchipuram

60 km from Chennai

Nearby Temples

Mangadu, Sri Kamakshi Amma Temple – 3 km

Kanchipuram, Sri Ekambareswarar Temple – 3 km

Kanchipuram, Sri Vaikunta Perumal Temple – 25 km

Uthiramerur, Sri Balasubramanian Temple – 27 km

Vallakottai, Sri Subramanya Swamy Temple – 34 km

Tirukachur, Sri Kachabeswarar Temple – 36 km

Sri Perumbudur, Sri Adhikesava Perumal Temple – 41 km

Tirukalukundram, Sri Vedagiriswarar Temple – 50 km

Madhuranthakam, Sri Eri Katha Ramar Temple – 53 km

Madambakkam, Sri Dhenupureeswarar Temple – 59 km

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