Alaghu Mallari Krishna Swamy Temple - Mannarpolur

Alaghu Mallari Krishna Swami Temple is located in Mannar Polur village near Sullurupeta, Nellore District. This temple was built in the 10th century.

Other Highlights :
  • According to the legends, Lord Sri Krishna defeated Jambavantha in this place. Then married Jambavantha's daughter Jambavathi. 
  • It is mentioned in Brahmanda Purana that Lord Sri Krishna fought with Jambavantha for 28 days.

The only temple where Sri Krishna along with his consorts Sathyabhama and Jambhavathi ammavaru are giving darshan.

According to the "Sthalapuranam," those devotees who to pray Lord Krishna here to fulfill their desires will be given all sorts of divine things with health, wealth, and saturation.

One day King Satrajithu having adorned the  Samanthakamani Jewel entered the meeting hall of Sri Krishna and at that time a section of people belonging to the Yaadava Community informed the arrival of Satrajithu predicting that some divine messenger/ Ambassador from Haven came to the meeting hall. When King Satrajithu wished (Offered Pranamams) to Sri Krishna, Lord Sri Krishna requested Satrajithu to give the Samanthakamani jewel for the welfare of and in the interests of mankind in his kingdom. King Satrajithu refused to give the Samanthakamani to Sri Krishna walked out from the meeting hall of Sri Krishna and went to his kingdom.

The brother of King Satrajithu by the name of Prasenudu went to the forest for hunting purposes adorning the Samanthakamani brought by King Satrajithu. During the hunting, King Prasenudu was killed by one Lion.

There was a misunderstanding by King Satrajithu that Lord Krishna had killed his brother for the Samanthakamani jewel.

 Lord Krishna having heard of the above blamed for no fault of his, regretted the same but consoled himself that the blame would have thrown up on him as He viewed the fourth day Moon (ChavithiChandrudu) during Gosamrakshana (caretaking of cows) when he was at Brundavanam.

The very next day lord Krishna performed VinayakaVrathakalpam to eradicate the above blame, besides proceeding to a thick forest to detect the real reason for the death of Prasenudu.

Jambhavantha refused to give the Samanthakamani jewel when Lord Krishna asked for it to benefit and serve the interests of all people. He did not realize that Lord Krishna was the previous Srirama, who had been preparing for a 21-day battle (combat/Malla fight) with Lord Krishna. After 21 days of nonstop fighting, Jambhavanthudu surrendered before Lord Krishna, touching his seat, realizing that his opponent, Avathar, was not just any ordinary human but rather a divine personality. At that moment, Lord Krishna appeared as Kodandapani with Seetha Lakshmana Samitha, as Jambhavanthudu had desired, and gave saturation.


Once Jambhavantha realized his mistake, he offered Lord Krishna the Samantakamani diamond and his daughter Jamabavathi to marry.

As a war took place in this area it was called as Mallahariporur in previous days and in practice it became famous as Mannarpolur.


Temple Timings :

6.00 am to 12.00 pm

4.00 pm to 8.00 pm

6.00 am to 6.30 am – Suprabatham

6.30 am to 7.00 am – Sarva Darshan

7.00 am to 7.30 am – 1st Bell

7.30 am to 10.30 am – Sarva Darshan

10.30 am to 11.00 am – 2nd Bell

11.00 am to 12.00 noon – Sarva Darshan

12.00 pm to 4.00 pm – Temple Closes

4.00 pm to 5.30 pm – Sarva Darshan

5.30 pm to 6.00 pm – 3rd Bell

6.00 pm to 7.30 pm – Sarva Darshan

7.30 pm to 8.00 pm – Ekanta Seva

How to reach the Temple :

5 km from Sullurpet

Nearby Temples :

Sri Chengalamma Temple – 5 km

Sri Kalahasthi Temple – 35 km.

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