Sri Sundarnath Mandir Timings - Forbesganj, Bihar

Sri Sundarnath mandir is located in the State of Bihar

Sundarnath is an incarnation of Lord shiva.

This temple was constructed in North Indian style. There is koneru in front of the temple.

Pandavas worshipped Lord shiva here for their life and safety. They hide their astra, Shshtra under a tree before leaving for Virata.

This an ancient temple, the construction date is not known.

Best time to visit – October to December.

Temple Timings –

6.00 am to 12.30 pm

4.00 pm to 9.00 pm

How to reach the Temple

7 kms from Kursakanta

25 kms from Biratnagar Airport

24 kms from Jogbani Railway Station.

300 kms from Patna

Nearby Temples

Madanpur, Umga Sun Temple – 15 kms

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