Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Temple Timings - Malakonda

Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Temple is located at Malakonda in Prakasam district in the state of Andhrapradesh.

Malyadri means mountain in the form of flower.

Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy is the main deity, Sri Mahalakshmi is the consort of Narasimha Swamy

There are Seven theerthams on Malyadri hill they are Narasimha theertham, Varuna theertham, Kapila theertham, Agasthya theertham, Sankara theertaham, Jyoti theertham, and Indra theertham.

It is an ancient temple the construction period is unknown.

There is also mention about this temple in Markandeya Purana.

This temple is available for darshan only on Saturday. Remaining days no darshan for devotees.

Temple Timings

4.00 am to 5.45 pm

Pooja Schedule

4.00 am to 4.30 am – Tirumanjanam

4.30 am to 5.00 am – Pushpalankarana and Nivedana

5.00 am to 5.30 am – Sahasranamarachana

5.30 am to 12.00 pm – Darshan

12.00 pm to 12.30 pm – Maha Nivedana

5.30 pm to 5.45 pm – Alaya Suddhi

How to reach the Temple

33 km from Kandukur

60 km from Kavali

70 km from Ongole

220 km from Amaravati

Nearby Temples

Singarakonda, Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Temple – 47 km

Narrawada Vengamamba Temple – 50 km

Bhairavakona, Sri Kalabhairava Swamy Temple – 60 km.


  1. Malakonda swaami temple open chestunara

    1. Will open from 12th June, 2021

      Darshan time upto 1.00 pm
