Sasivekalu Ganesha Temple Timings - Hampi


Sasivekalu Ganesh Temple is located at Hampi city  in state of Karnataka.

This Statute carved out of a huge boulder measure about 8 feet.

This Ganesh is seen in a half lotus position with four arms.

It is crafted in such a way that its displayed like Ganesha is sitting in his mother’s lap.

Ganesha is wearing a sacred thread which is also known as yagnopa veetha which is mostly worn by men.

This Temple was built by Vijayanagara King in 1506 AD

Temple timings.

All days    6.00 am to 6.00pm.

Best season to visit.

The best months to visit September to February. ( Winter season)

Traditional dress is only allowed for Darshan

How to reach the Temple

2 km from Hampi junction

340 kms from Bangalore

Nearest Temples.

Sri Virupaksha Temple – 1 km

Hazara Temple – 3 kms.

Vijaya Vittala Temple – 9 kms

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