Sree Matsyodari Devi Temple Timings – Jalna


Sree Matsyodari Devi temple is located near Jalna city in Ambad in the state of Maharashtra.

Goddess Matsya Devi is an incarnation of Goddess Shakti.

Matsyodari is combination of Fish (matsya) and Stomach (udar).

The temple situated in a mountain which has shape like fish so it is called as Matsyodari.

The main temple has Mahalakshmi, Maha Saraswathi, and Maha Kali as deities commonly together known as Matsyodari Devi.

It is only temple after vaishno devi in Jammu and Kashmir where tridevi under same roof.

This temple was constructed in North Indian style of architecture.

During Sharad Navratri annual fair is held every year

Best time to Visit – September to February

Temple Timings

9.00 am to 6.00 pm

How to reach the Temple

60 kms from Aurangabad

28 kms from Jalna

420 kms from Mumbai

Nearby temples

Jalna, Anandi Swamy Temple – 28 kms

Jalna, Mamma Devi Temple – 30 kms

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