Sri Nishkalank Mahadev Temple – Koliyak


Sri Nishkalank Mahadev Temple is located at Koliyak Village near Bhavnagar in Gujarat State.

The temple is dedicated to five different Swayambhu Shiva linga (Self Incarnated Lingas), each with a Nandhi or Bull (Shiva's chariot) facing it and arranged on a square platform. The Pandava brothers worshiped these lingas.

On a sea island about 2 kilometers to the east of Koliyak, there is an idol of Lord Shiva. This temple is submerged under the waves, and on days with high tides, all that is visible is a pillar and a flag. Only two visits are permitted each day to this temple. The building is submerged in the water and is only visible for a brief period of time. With the aid of a large flag that has been erected at the shrine, one may locate it. The temple is a true architectural wonder that was created with careful attention to endure strong waves. Modern engineers and tech gurus are still at a loss to understand the framework.

The  temple legend originates from the Mahabaratha period. The Pandavas defeated the Kauravas by killing them all. Knowing they had committed sins by killing their families, the Pandavas were sad. The Pandavas encountered Lord Krishna in order to compensate for their crimes. Krishna presents a black cow and a black flag to cleanse the sins. When the flag and the Cow turn white, he instructs the Pandavas to follow it because they will all be forgiven. Krishna then advises them to offer penance to Lord Shiva. The disturbed brothers carried the flag and followed the cow wherever it went.

They walked for days, to different places and the color did not change. Finally, when they arrived at the Koliyak Beach, both cow and the flag color turned to white. Pandavas were exalted. And all the 5 brothers sat for deep penance, meditated on lord Shiva. Lord Shiva impressed by the brothers showed up in lingam form to each brother. As they meditated, each lingam appeared in front of each brother. In total there were 5 (Swayumbu) lingams that showed up on their own. Pandavas were delighted to see this and they worshiped all the five lingams with great devotion. Lord Shiva here is known as Nishkalan Mahadev. ‘Nishkalank’ has much meaning they are clean, pure, guiltless, to cleanse, to purify, etc.

The famous fair known as 'Bhadarvi' is held on the new moon night in the month of Shravan, as per the Indian calendar. The temple festival is initiated by hoisting the flag by the Maharajas of Bhavnagar where this flag is on for 364 days and is changed only during the next temple festival.

Timings: Depends on Tide (10 am to 2 pm)

How to reach the Temple

28 km from Bhavnagar

Nearby Temples

Bhavnagar, Sree Takhteshwar Temple – 2 km

Rajpara, Khodiyar Mata Temple – 6 km.

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