Shravan Purnima
- The Full Moon day in the month of Shravan is called Shravana Purnima
- Every month Purnima tithi holds great significance in the Hindu Calendar.
- On this people celebrate Raksha Bandhan, the tying of the bond of protection or Rakhi on the hands of brothers by sisters.
- In Tamilnadu it is celebrated as Avani Avittam, on this day people who wear Janeyu, replace it with a new one. It is called Aadi Pournami.
- Satyanarayana puja will be performed at home or workplace.
- In Gujarat it is celebrated as Pavitropana, where devotees seek the blessings of Lord Shiva.
- In Central India it is referred to as Kajari Purnima, whereas it is Narali Purnima on the West Coast.
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