Sree Kaal Bhairav Mandir – Ujjain


Sree Kal Bhairav Mandir is located in Ujjain City of Madhya Pradesh State. It is located on the banks of the Shipra River.

It is the most active temple visited in the city.

Kaal Bhairav is the main deity of this temple, he is an incarnation of Lord Shiva.

Shiva Linga has a vibrant orange body that is set off by thick black eyebrows and a golden crown.

He holds a noose, trident, drum, and skull in each of his four hands.

The representation of the deity is a rock face covered in layers of kumkuma, or vermilion. A Maratha-style pagri covers the deity's silver head.

This Temple was constructed in the Maratha Style of architecture and has a koneru named as Shipra River Sthalavruksham.

The idols inside the sanctum sanctorum are revered with the name Avaanti, and the statue of Bhairavi is written on the wall of the basement. In the old time, yogis used to meditate while sitting in the basement. Very beautiful paintings have been made on the walls of this temple.

As per Skanda Purana, Kaal Bhairav took birth from Lord Siva’s anger. As per the folklore, Devas approached Lord Siva when Brahma started writing the fifth Veda. Devas raised a concern that the fifth might create trouble. Brahma denied Lord Siva’s request to stop writing the fifth Veda. Kaal Bhairav who emerged from the Siva’s anger removed the Brahma’s fifth head. Kaal Bhairav who committed Sin did penance for Lord Siva on the banks of the River Shipra and got relieved.

Liquor is one of the offerings made to the deity.

Temple Timings

6.00 am to 10.00 pm

How to reach the Temple

8 km from Ujjain Bus Station

5 km from Ujjain Railway Station

53 km from Indore

 Nearby Temples

Ujjain, Shree Mahakaleshwar Temple – 3 km

Ujjain, Maa Harsiddhi Temple – 4 km

Ujjain, Sri Gadhkalika Shakti Peeth – 7 km

Ujjain, Mangalnath Temple – 7 km

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