Kanya Sankranti


  • Sankranti is the day when the Sun changes its position from one zodiac to the other
  • Kanya Sankranti is when the Sun moves from Simha Rashi (Leo Zodiac sign) to Kanya Rashi.
  • It is the Purattasi month as per the Tamil calendar. Kanni Masam falls on this day according to the calendar of Kerala.
  • On Kanya Sankranti, there are many kinds of daan, shradh puja for the ancestors, and penance rituals.
  • Another special ritual of this day is to bathe in sacred water bodies to remove all sins from oneself soul and body.
  • It is the day when Vishwakarma puja celebrations occur in industrial towns of Bengal and Orissa.

2024 Date: September 16.

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